Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Talking Heads

The world is a complex place, which was apparently a surprise to the dontard.

He seemed to believe that he could just tell people what to do and they would do it.

This may have been one of the reasons he had so many bankruptcies, of course it may have been because they did do what he asked.

His judgment is based on what people call talking heads, especially the ones on one particular news network.

Talking heads are not news people, they are opinion people who find facts that sort of support what they want to say.

A lot of these so called facts are really opinions of other people or half-truths that can be twisted like a balloon animal to resemble a real animal.

They aren't real animals and a lot of these facts aren't real facts.

The fact that they get repeated a number of times doesn't make them true, simply persistent.

Even reputable journalists don't get a lot of things right, although what they publish or say has some credibility.

Real events are complex and we always prefer simple answers.

The entire war in Iraq was based on misinterpretation of evidence.  It was misinterpreted because the people saw what they wanted to see.  When they didn't see real "proof" it was easy to assume it was there anyways, just well hidden.

This is pretty much the way some of our media operates, making leaps of faith and drawing conclusions, at least the talking heads do.

They simplify the complex and our dontard buys it.

Watch out folks!

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