Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Foreign Relations

More sanctions, not more sanctions, what to do about Russia which supports cyber attacks as well as murder and tyrants around the world.

The idea of some sort of consistent approach would be  new method for the current administration which apparently likes to keep what it is going to do a secret, even from itself.

At the current time we seem to have decided not to impose sanctions,

That could change again as it did since yesterday.

Of course imposing sanctions is not always effective, in fact it seems like it works best when it is a coalition doing it.

That of course would require coordination and a certain consistency that our allies, if we still have any can rely upon.

I guess the only real consistent thing about this administration is that they manage to fight with just about everybody sooner or later.

They upset our NATO allies and our major trading partners early on.

They seem to be getting critical of Russia, although it owes them a lot.

It has insulted most African nations and certainly the Arab ones.

Its relations with China aren't going very well.

North Korea might be warming up to it though.

Gotta give credit where credit is due I guess.

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