Monday, April 9, 2018


The war goes on in Syria, or should I say the wars.

ISIS still has a presence although diminished and they are fighting everybody else more or less.

The rebel groups are still fighting against the Syrian regime.

The Russians are supporting the regime and fighting the rebels and ISIS.

IRAN also supports the regime although it also supports some Sunni groups.

The Israelis oppose the regime but don't really want a strong Syria.

You have the Turks and the Kurds who fight whoever they think is threatening their interests this week.

We are there but its a bit unclear what we are doing right now, although defeating ISIS is the stated objective.

We used to support the rebel groups but then we didn't unless of course chemical weapons are used.

Of course right after we announced a withdrawal to come, chemical weapons were used and attributed to the regime.

That's probably true, but it seems sort of convenient in its own way as one of the only ways to get us to stick around.

Should we stick around, not without some clear objectives.

We can certainly have advisers there if we know who we want to advise.

Leaving probably leaves it open for the Russians and Iranians to have a major foothold in the area, which is quite strategically situated.

Regime change is seeming unlikely right now so we might want to think about what we are trying to accomplish.

Of course, we have the Syrian people who have to live amid all this.

Just people in distress, many fleeing their homes, but we don't want them, they are Arabs and you know how the administration feels about them.

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