Friday, April 13, 2018

Reasonable People

One of the things that history teaches us is that unreasonable people often get there way.

Of course that's because what is reasonable is simply something we all agree on.

Take some of our popular media, willing to make accusations based on little or no evidence.

Its become so common that we see the credibility of the media under serious attack.

Of course we have had this issue before maybe most prevalently during the yellow journalism years the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Maybe it never really ended.

What is factual, real news, and what is "fake" news?

Sometimes its hard to say, but we do have some indicators.

Some facts are clearly witnessed by so many people with so much real and photographic evidence that to question them is simply outrageous.

The holocaust did happen, we had survivors, liberators and oppressors who verified it.

The mass shooting also happened.

In fact this idea that there is a group of people, ostensibly run by the Government that is perpetrating hoaxes about these terrible events for some political gain is so outrageous its almost ludicrous.

Except some people believe it.

The number actually seems to be growing.

Take vaccines or GMO foods.  There is pretty irrefutable evidence that the first doesn't cause autism and the second is perfectly safe.  However many people believe exactly the opposite.

Pretty much everyone gets vaccinated and therefore everyone with autism was probably vaccinated.  However, everyone without autism was also vaccinated.

Its simply not reasonable to equate the two.  Reason however is becoming a rare commodity in today's world.

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