Sunday, April 22, 2018

Earth Day

Today is Earth day which is a reminder that we all are totally dependent on the planet for our very existence.

Its impossible to know if we are unique in the universe.  Our egos tell us we are, but the chances of that are incredibly slim considering how many planets there are.

It would be easier if the whole thing was the result of divine action and not the result of a series of random events.

Its in fact pretty unlikely but that's not a discussion for today.

Our obligation to take care of the earth is one of self preservation.

We know enough to know that mankind has been one of the most successful organisms on this planet and our ability to impact it has grown with our numbers and our technology.

We have very clear evidence that we have impacted the environment and those who deny it are ignoring a number of historical examples.

It wasn't that long ago that our use of DDT was threatening the existence of bald eagles as it made their eggs untenable and once it was eliminated the birds recovered.

Similarly we have seen positive results related to some of our waterways and fisheries as we reduced human pollution and overfishing.

Why then should we ignore the fact that we are polluting the atmosphere and threatening our future?

Yes it will inconvenience a few business owners, but mandating clean methods of production will benefit us all.

We all also need to do what we can, the changes are in fact harmless and ultimately life saving.

If not for us, for our children and grandchildren.

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