Saturday, April 21, 2018

Its Still a Pigs Ear

If you happen to have a purse made out of a sow's ear but tell everyone its made of silk, well, you probably aren't fooling many people.

I realize this is an old example and people don't actually carry those type of purses much anymore, but the point is, fake is always fake, no matter how much you deny it.

Much of the narrative pushed by so called conservatives is actually simply false.

They are convinced there is a media bias which presents facts from a liberal point of view.

Take the rise in the earth's temperature.

The consensus of the vast majority of scientists is that this is caused by human behavior, to at least some extent.

This is not a liberal bias, its a fact.

Similarly, evolution is real, we have worldwide fossil evidence that supports it.  Creationism isn't a valid scientific theory, its a religious belief.  If you want to believe it, well its your right, but its not science.

We see some people now arguing that the earth is flat.  It isn't.

This idea that facts are biased or no better than opinions is both wrong and harmful.

The internet has been a revolutionary development, similar to the impact of the printing press.  Before that was invented, we saw access to information limited to a very few and after it opened up to anyone who could read.

It led to a great expansion of knowledge but also disrupted religions, governments and society.

Was it a good thing?  I think we all agree it was.

We now see the internet further expanding not only access to information but also the ability to promote ideas.

Not all the ideas are valid and what it will require is individual responsibility to sort out the sow's ears from the silk purses.

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