Monday, March 19, 2018

Do We Believe in Magic?

Latest news about the republican agenda is that they want to pass more tax cuts.

The last ones have at least some popularity, not as much as they would have liked, but you put a few extra dollars in someone's paycheck, it seems like a good thing.

Of course it wasn't very much and it wasn't permanent and it seems that they know they don't have much chance of passing a new one, since it would once again favor wealthy investors although since it won't pass they may add a provision to make the temporary cuts permanent.

Why would they do this?  Well to get the democrats to vote against it so they can campaign that they are the ones who are keeping it from happening.

It assumes a certain lack of interest by the voters and based on past performance it might be somewhat successful.

After all enough of them believed the things the dontard promised even though his submitted budgets slash all the programs he promised to leave alone.

Sadly, this political maneuvering isn't just a republican thing, it happens in both major parties, where appearances outweigh reality.

There are a lot of tough realities in Washington that can't be fixed because of the fact that fixing them will cause a political backlash.

If we want to reduce spending we have to reduce the areas where we spend the most, and these consist of defense and popular programs like social security and medicare.

The alternative is to raise taxes to pay for them, which is not likely to happen anytime soon.

Do Americans want to address these problems?

Not really although they would like them fixed magically.

So they vote for people who make promises that are simply unrealistic for the long term.

Somehow we can spend and spend and rack up debts without consequences, instead of facing reality.

Its an Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause type of world.

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