Thursday, January 11, 2018

First Amendment

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prevents Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise of religion, or abridging the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or to petition for a governmental redress of grievances.

This list reflects things that the colonies felt King George III had tried to do to suppress them.

These are things that serve to enable people to form opinions that are not in accordance with the Government, express them and demand changes.

We now see a president who finds these freedoms problematic.  He would like to establish this as a Christian country, control the press and I'm sure crack down on anti-Government assemblies.

The ongoing cries of fake news when most f the fake news originates out of media outlets that support him is almost funny.

I wonder if he is really unaware that the majority of news reports in our major media are in fact properly sourced and reasonably accurate.

There is something wrong with an administration that decides either directly or indirectly to try to control the narrative by coercion. It is of course unlikely to succeed and in the official fake news twitter account it will be attributed to the "Deep State" opposition.

It is curious that people who get so riled up at any mention of controlling guns are fine with efforts to control the press.

I see a lot of rot printed, and it seems to me that much of it is actually pushing some of the absurd things that helped this administration get elected, like the "Deep State" or Clinton imaginary crimes or Obama's origin or in general the misrepresentation of the social progress being made in allowing each individual to pursue happiness in the manner they need to.

I find it atrocious at times but I don't want the Government deciding what is acceptable or not.

That would be much more dangerous.

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