Monday, January 8, 2018


It seems like the cold weather in the northeast is starting to revert to a more normal temperature range and that is certainly welcome news.

Congress is back in session and they have a number of issues they need to solve.

One is funding the Government and that's challenging because on one hand fiscal conservatives want spending cuts and on the other hand some want to address the "dreamers" in that bill.

It once again points out the polarizing influence of our two party system.

It seems pretty clear that there is a fairly large majority spread across both parties that want to fund the Government and want to provide a safe haven for the dreamers.

However each party has to deal with the fringe groups that have undo influence largely because in our system a dedicated minority can sway a primary election.

It leads to the inability for bipartisan compromise even when a large majority of Americans want a specific outcome.

Of course right now we have a president who was elected because of a rather bizarre series of events who more and more seems out of touch with reality.

Of course he has assured us all that he is a stable genius, so I guess there's nothing to worry about.

Lets see if he can actually craft any deals.

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