Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Racist and Dotard = Racetard?

We now have a number of republican representatives who are denying that Trump use the "shithole" country comment.

Trump also denies it and it is possibly from what I am reading that what he actually said was "shithouse" in reference to Haiti and some African countries.

I guess they can claim they aren't lying because of that technicality, but the issue here is the same issue we had when other vulgarities were uttered by the dotard, do these people have any principles?

People like the dotard are enabled by people who sacrifice principle for political power.  It of course is a slippery slope, because once you start down, its hard to recover.

While I believe his economic policies are short sighted and dangerous in the long run, the real issue with the dotard is his regressive social views.

He is clearly one of the most racist people despite his statements to the contrary.  He supports measures that would suppress the black vote in many states and would really prefer reversing demographic trends and whiten up the country with the white immigrants.

Unfortunately for him, the countries he would want to have immigration from, no longer generate the type of emigration they once did and are themselves places people emigrate to.

With or without immigration the country is changing as minority birth rates exceed white birth rates.

America is becoming greater as we slowly accept diversity in race, religion and sexual preference allowing everyone the pursuit of happiness.

It an inalienable right after all.

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