Thursday, January 25, 2018

Wall Silliness

You have to wonder what world the dotard occupies that he somehow thinks a wall between the US and Mexico will have some miraculous result.

There are so many better ways to utilize the amounts required that would achieve better results.

Clearly walls can be breached, so to prevent that you will need about the same amount of security as you would if the wall wasn't there.

The wall might keep out some harmless people who simply are looking for work or to join family in the States but it is unlikely to deter any serious person who wants to reach this country.

The idea that thousands or millions of Mexicans are simply strolling across an undefended border is ridiculous, but the dotard tends to believe the ridiculous.

Most of the border is in territory that is rugged and dangerous.

If it was a simple stroll, the coyotes wouldn't be getting rich ferrying people in various vehicles.

The areas where you can simply walk across are also the areas most heavily protected.

In fact, the desirability of coming to this country is not what it once was.

Partly because of NAFTA and other economic trends, there are more jobs in Mexico than there once was.

This paranoia about Mexican and Central American immigrants is simply misplaced.

Yes some recent and not so recent immigrants join gangs but that is nothing new.  It is also true that people born here also join gangs.

It is sad that based on the news reports the dotard wants to bargain the lives of dreamers over something as stupid as the wall is.  They deserve to have their lives decided by something other that this stupidity.

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