Sunday, January 21, 2018

Great Dealmaker/

What's going on in Washington now is all geared towards the upcoming mid-term elections, not governing the country.

There is a clear path to a short term budget resolution that includes things both sides effectively favor but to just agree to it would possibly jeopardize certain elections in November.

The Republican want to tie the Dreamer issue to other immigration issues, such as the wall or the ban on people from shithole countries while the Democrats want it addressed in the short term resolution more as a separate issue.

Meanwhile the extension of the Childhood Insurance Program and the elimination of some medical taxes is included in the resolution, trying to make it look like the Democrats are blocking those issues.

This is all geared to talking points that are aimed at helping certain representatives win re-election in a mid term that right now doesn't look good for the Republicans.

How the public perceives the current impasses is going to be telling and it is a bit uncertain right now how that will fall out.

Of course the odds are that the great deal maker will be blamed for his inability to make a deal and the reports on both sides is that he takes inconsistent positions.

I'm familiar with negotiators like the dotard who never want to honor what they agreed to the day before.

They don't trust themselves and tend to say things they regret.

They are hard to negotiate with but you have to force them to do it all in one day if you want to get it done.

Or leave them out of it completely.

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