Friday, January 12, 2018

Land Of Opportunity

There is no doubt that looking at the world and its countries some are doing better, at least economically than others.

The reasons for this are varied and generally the result of historical and geographic issues that aren't necessarily related to the people there now.

America for a number of reasons has done exceedingly well in this regard.  People born here are generally going to have economic opportunities greater than many other nations, who have not developed in the same manner as us.

One of the reasons for America's success and growth is the fact that it is a real melting pot where people from all countries, not just European, came here and in building a better future for themselves provided the ingenuity and talent for great progress.

What this proves in the great experiment of America is that people from just about anywhere can excel in the right environment.

One would think that immigrants and the children and grandchildren of those immigrants would be at a disadvantage to people who were long established here, but looking at prominent people in this country what stands out to a large extent is how many are second or third generation immigrants, including the President.

Trump Immigrant Background

So if you want to know what immigrants are stealing American jobs you don't have to look too far.

The countries that have been less fortunate generally were more agricultural than industrial.  Of course that can change as evidenced in our American south which for many years was essentially a producer of raw agricultural products until it began to attract more industry.

A country like Haiti which was primarily a large sugar producing colony for many years populated by imported slave who were not provided education or opportunity has developed slowly and has significant poverty.  The people born and raised there are not at fault, and the more industrious of them often feel they can get better opportunities elsewhere, often in this country,

To insult the people or the country reminds me of the movie where an arrogant slum lord was forced to live in one of his tenements and learned that people, whatever their economic conditions, are basically the same.

Being the land of opportunity is something to be proud of and that opportunity should be shared with immigrants who need it.

Its the American way.

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