Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year

Its now 2018 and when I was young I think everyone expected flying cars and space colonies by now.

We really need to step up our game.

There are of course some pretty marvelous things, we managed to achieve the Dick Tracy wrist radio/telephone but not as popular as it could be.

Instead people like to wear devices that show them how far they walked, which wasn't an issue when I was young, everybody seemed to walk a lot.

Interestingly, most people were thinner and you would think healthier, but life expectancy has gone up.

Not sure what that means, except improvements in medical technology.

Considering everything, I could sit by the Christmas tree, sipping a beverage, watching the model trains, listening to music and easily think it was any year of my life.

Yeah I could text on my phone, have instantaneous access to a lot of useful and useless information, and buy and watch pretty much any movie I wanted on a color flat screen.

I opted for the Honeymooners marathon in black and white.

Seem more appropriate somehow.

Happy New Year's everybody, make it a good one.

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