Tuesday, January 15, 2019

All In

Its pretty obvious that the dontard has gone all-in on the wall.

In poker, if you go all-in, you bet all your chips and wait for the outcome of the hand.  You have no more moves you can make, you can't bet and you can't fold, so you sit back and see what happens.

Unfortunately the outcome in the current situation is not going to end without some involvement by him.

He is convinced that if he gives in on the wall, his base will desert him.

Since his chances at re-election require his base to support him to have any chance, he has made his play.

Since his only actual concern relates to how things impact him, the fact that Government workers and the public are impacted by the senseless shut down doesn't bother him.

In fact he counts on those who do care to have to concede.

So the current hand will be decided by whether the Democrats or the Republicans in the Senate feel more pressure.

Many Republicans are more concerned about primary challenges in 2020 than they are about the actual election.

The primaries are where the dontard's base has the most impact.

The democrats on the other hand have a lot at stake as the first act they take can't be seen as betraying their electorate.

So neither side has any incentive to move, and it will require public opinion to sway one side or the other.

The shutdown continues in the meantime.

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