Friday, January 18, 2019


The refusal of the dontard to sign the funding bills is based on an apparent miscalculation on his part, certainly not his first.

He assumed the democrats would act like the adults in the room and let him have his way.

He must be as frustrated as the tantrum throwing toddler the first time that tactic doesn't work.

It leaves no options except to grow up.

Being untrustworthy, he is being required to put up before any concessions are made.  He has backed out of a number of agreements before including the very same spending proposals now available.

When you word loses value you have to pay up front.

He also has the distraction of watching those who he selected to work for him start to sell him out.

Everyone is now used to how these people who were hand selected by the dontard who was of course the best at that are now being called self serving liars.

His behavior towards everyone who is not him inspires no loyalty.

He only cares about himself.  He was never loyal in his marriages, not even the current one.  His view of the world is based on his own character or lack of it, so of course everyone else is also a self serving egoist.

It isn't a good thing for an actual deal maker.

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