Sunday, January 13, 2019


One of the things that shouldn't be forgotten is that the Senate and the President are refusing to act on funding bills that have nothing to do with the wall.

Funding for border security, which would include any border barriers, would be in the Homeland Security funding bill.  However the other agencies being held hostage are not part of that.

So the "ready to sign" tweets are simply a lie.  He could certainly sign all the others and hold up the one that would have the wall money.

He won't do that because he needs his shutdown to cause the maximum disruption.

Now of course were he to do that he would be accused by certain hard liners of giving up.

He has in some respects painted himself into a corner and his options are limited.

He also is apparently getting mixed advice on declaring a National Emergency, which he has threatened to do.

He probably knows that in the long run it won't work to fund the wall.

It would get the Government open, assuming at that point he signs the funding bills.

He wants to come out of this so he can campaign on how he defeated the Democrats and made them fund his wall.

He apparently can't distinguish them from Mexico who was absolutely positively 100 going to fund the wall.

Either way, they won't.

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