Sunday, January 6, 2019

Economic Musing

We had a good job report for December and while that is encouraging, not everything is wonderful.

Looking at the report, available here Employment Report, it still seems like a continuation of the recovery started under the previous administration, which is fine, but not a booming economy.

Anyone can draw their own conclusions but it seems like the new economic reality for this country continues to clarify.

The days of doing well by just showing up are in the past.  The millions of jobs that used to filled by people acting like automatons are now filled by automatons.

You need to develop skills to do well and if you do the rewards can be significant.

If you don't the jobs and pay available are going to be barely enough to get by in this country.

Income inequality has continued to increase.  You need to hone skills that are needed or become an entrepreneur to succeed.

This is part of the problem that has permeated our society as we have a large group of people who feel under represented.

Many working Americans feel that Government helps the very poor and of course the wealthy people are doing OK, but they struggle to survive with little help or much of a future.

They can get jobs, but the jobs they get don't provide the lifestyle they see as the average American one, so they work multiple jobs.

They don't feel that the taxes they pay are doing anything for them (although they probably are) and they can't save for retirement, can't afford to send their children to college and live paycheck to paycheck.

They are told by certain media outlets that they are the forgotten Americans who are left out in the cold while the poor and immigrants get assistance.

The real solution to their issues is better income distribution.  The best way to achieve that is via a progressive agenda, but for many reasons, they generally oppose that.

So the economy continues on much like it has,, the rich get richer and the others don't.

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