Monday, January 21, 2019


This is Martin Luther King day the best remembered leader of the civil rights movement.

That movement was effective in that it would be hard to find any areas in the country today where civil rights vary based on the color of your skin, at least officially.

There are still places where certain people are not welcome, it just isn't codified.

What hasn't happened is an elimination of racism in this country.

I do believe that it has improved and I think many of our younger people are growing up in a better environment.

Still you see incidents that are discouraging and make you wonder if we are ever going to really become a single country.

It seems like we have taken a step or two backward as we see a major political party embrace positions that at the very least encourage the worst instincts of some of our citizens.

We have free speech in this country and this allows bigots and racists to spout their hate publicly.

Its not just the color of your skin or even you religion anymore, we see the net spread wider and wider.

We now have started to hate people who simply disagree about what's best for the country.

Not sure how this gets turned around, Maybe a leader can unite us.  I thought the last president spread a good message but it fell on a lot of deaf ears.

We can only hope.

The best way to celebrate today would be to think about equality for all.

Its worth a shot.

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