Friday, January 4, 2019

Shut Down Impacts

Its pretty much a certainty now that about 800,000 federal workers are going to not receive their next paycheck and it might extend over a considerable period of time.

Some of them are required to work because they are considered essential and the others are idled with some expectation of getting paid when the shutdown finally ends.

Right after the holidays the bills are often the highest as you have all the Christmas expenses as well as, of course, your normal ones, such as rent, mortgages, food, etc.

While it obviously varies to some extent in each situation, many are not going to have available savings to cover an extended period of non-pay.

This is the result of a demand for taxpayer money to build a wall most of us don't want.

One can certainly debate whether a wall or barriers work, they obviously would act as a bit of a detriment but they create their own issues.  That debate however is clearly not going the presidents way as he wasn't able to get the money with a unified congress and now he has to deal with a democratic house.

What do the other Government agencies have to do with his pet project?

Most agencies impacted have bilateral spending agreements that could be passed and sign with no impact on the wall.  The one agency that the wall money impacts could be handled differently.

Tax refunds, farm support, food stamps, national parks, FAA are impacted as hostages because the president wants to use them as a bargaining chip.

He is gambling with these peoples lives and in many cases making them work promising to pay them in the future.

It is going to have real impacts on every American in one way or another, want your tax refund?

There is a simple solution, but it doesn't include a wall that we weren't supposed to pay for in the first place.


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