Thursday, January 24, 2019

Fixing Health Coverage?

The number of Americans without health insurance is on the rise.

LA Times Health Insurance

The failure to advertise the open season, the ending of penalties for not having coverage and the attacks on Medicaid have reversed the downward trend in uninsured and started an increase.

Not having coverage leads to failure in many cases to get preventive care and screenings that indicate problems early.

The fallback position for people without health care is normally the emergency rooms where care is most expensive and often conditions have become more dangerously progressed.

We were supposed to see a great new bunch of health plans that would be better, cheaper and more affordable.

We did not.

We do see some plans that offer very little coverage but cost at least as much as the plans that were on the exchange.

They don't receive a Government subsidy so they are cheaper for the Government, just not the user.

In fact we should not lose sight that the goal of the current administration and republicans in general is to protect businesses and wealthy people who object to having tax money help the less fortunate.

We see that in the tax reform that they passed.

The reform was to make our tax system less progressive and allow the rich to keep more of their money.

More houses, private jets, and yachts instead of health screenings for our citizens.

What's not to like?

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