Monday, January 28, 2019


Many if not most Americans are frustrated with the Government.  It just doesn't seem to function anymore as it gets caught up in factional battles over just about everything.

Many things do work, at least when not shut down, but the perception is often worse than the reality.

Take the Post Office.   Besides the fact that it loses money in the service it provides, partly because of generous pension benefits and partly because it is required to provide service everywhere, it is pretty reliable.  It has certainly lost a lot of business to digital methods and it has to compete with some fierce competition on package delivery.  Still it is generally very reliable.

Similarly TSA does an admirable job in difficult circumstances.

In fact its fairly obvious that mot federal agencies are effective despite the political turbulence they deal with.

The part of Government that doesn't seem to work is the ones we get to vote for.

The congress and the presidency get terrible approval ratings and deservedly so.

We just had the longest shut down in history for no apparent reason.

We may have another one in a couple of weeks.

With a divided Government it is unlikely we are going to see any major accomplishments over the next two years.

Maybe if they can keep it operating, it will be enough.

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