Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Our Melting Pot

Some people react to the undocumented immigrants as if they are burglars breaking into this country to steal something.

However, all the statistics show they contribute far more than they use.  Generally because of their status they pay taxes but don't qualify for benefits.  Yes they may use education and health resources, but once again they are paying taxes and contributing to the economy by doing jobs that most Americans don't want.

The math is hard because they are undocumented, but they certainly aren't the parasites painted by certain biased media and the dontard.

Consider the majority who come here to have a better life, or work seasonally to make some money.  They are no threat to our way of life and n fact some of our industries depend on them to function.

If you were to construct more barriers you might deter some or you might make the cost of getting here greater.  The barriers will not stop them and I'm not sure we even want to.  Keeping our seasonal workers and poor families who want a better life is hardly much of a goal.

Of course some of the people violating the border do smuggle drugs.  Mostly those they don't do it in the wilderness, they come through our points of entry.

Drug smuggling, like prohibition was, is so profitable that new and better ways will always be found.  Any kind of barrier will have no impact on it at all.

Do terrorists come across our Southern border?  There is no evidence that they do, at least in any meaningful numbers.

Our pretense about border security is really a cover up for ethnocentric bigotry.  A certain percentage of our population believes that America should remain pure.  They ignore the fact that this purity, if it ever existed, went away ages ago.

Our history is a story of immigration with our current America a melting pot of many cultures and peoples.  Adding more people to it is simply going to make the product richer.

At one time people wanted to keep the ancestors of many of us out, because they were different.

Imagine if they had succeeded.

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