Sunday, January 27, 2019

Political Climate?

We live in a world where everything seems to turn into a political argument.  Take climate change.  This is a matter of science and at this time the science universally points to a man made contribution to it.  You can argue the fringes of the science, such as how much is natural versus how much is human related, but we are clearly in a global warming trend caused by the increasing amounts of CO2 in the air.  Add carbon to the air is contributory,

Now as we see the polar ice caps recede and the ocean temperatures rise, nothing about it is political.  However, because the way to prevent it includes restrictions on certain activities, we see it politicized.

It is not "fake news" or a liberal plot to hurt this country in some fashion.  The oceans are rising and we were and are one of the primary contributors to the problem.  Policies designed to promote short term profits for a few at the cost of humanity are, well, short sighted.

We see one party take positions that are anti-science.  Since the people they dislike, the liberals, accept science as valid, they won't.  This is part of the great liberal conspiracy to …. well I don't know what, but its something bad.

The reactions are so silly that when something that the conservatives have supported for pretty much forever get associated with a liberal they suddenly oppose it.

To some extent they argue that it is part of the plan to grow the Government as the regulations will have to be enforced.  Complying with the regulations might cost some industries some profit, profit they can use to make campaign contributions to their friends.  Meanwhile the rest of us have to deal with the consequences.

They just take the money and vote.

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