Sunday, January 20, 2019

Offering Nothing

There are offers and generally the best way to hammer out a deal is by talking to the other side nd working the details.

What we saw yesterday was a public relations attempt to sell a position that the polls show the American people don't want by wrapping it around some things that they do like, but not really offering anything.

The thing they don't want is a wall, as all the polls clearly show.

The wall does not solve any of the problems the dontard talked about, the dangerous trip to the border in central America, the importation of drugs, the exploitation by smugglers who prey on the desperate.  It would in fact probably increase the last one as they could point to it as a reason they are needed.

The things Americans do favor, protection of dreamers and refugees is currently something the courts are deciding.  Right now the courts are already stopping the attempted change to the policies and how long that will continue is anyone's guess, it might be permanent.

So three years of what is already the situation is, well, three years of nothing.

The other things he mentioned are already part of a bill that the democrats favor and all he has to do is sign it and the other funding bills to open the Government and move on.

It is certainly possible that some barriers in strategic locations could be agreed to once the Government is open, it should be based on careful analysis and data, not the whims of a dontard.

The public relations of all this is to give the impression that the dontard has made the first move and that the democrats now need to reciprocate.  What is being ignored is that they have already offered most of the effective measures he mentioned and want permanent solutions to the dreamer and refugee issues.

This was no offer at all, just a public relations ploy.  We need to see it for what it is.

Nothing at all.

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