Thursday, January 10, 2019

Is A Compromise Posible?

We seem to have no middle ground available in the current dispute over the wall.

It wasn't that long ago that there was an agreement that involved the wall and the Dreamers but it was stopped by some hard liners.

Could it be resurrected giving some money for extra border security but resolving the issue related to DACA?

It would give both sides something but both sides have problems with "hard liners".

There is an effort going on with some :moderate" republican senators to fashion a deal.

It actually isn't that hard to do if both sides can behave logically and with some flexibility.

However if the wall is anathema one side and Dreamer path to citizenship is anathema to the other, a deal becomes unlikely.

Sadly both sides are now held hostage by the extreme elements in their parties who weld outsize influence in the primaries.

Still surprises do happen and we should be hoping that the Government is reopened and the issue is resolved.

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