Saturday, January 12, 2019

Setting a Record

Well this is officially the longest Government shutdown ever.

Both houses have passed bills to give backpay to furloughed federal employees when the shutdown ends, so the silliness of the current position grows.

When there is something you want that the opposition doesn't you can bargain or convince.  Taking hostages is not considered a sensible outcome and then guaranteeing the well being of the hostages is giving up that advantage.

Because of certain media pressure we see the dontard has painted himself into a corner.  Losing the House of Representatives certainly makes achieving his goal of a wall more difficult, but he had two years when congress was held by Republicans.

In fact, he had a deal that would have funded his wall but provided dreamers protection, but his anti immigration backers killed it.

Every party has numerous factions and the goal of politics is to get them to represent some sort of consistent approach.  If you allow each faction veto power, which the dontard effectively has, you will never achieve much of anything, which is pretty obvious.

If your goal is to achieve nothing, its a good strategy.

If your goal is to go down as the most ineffective president ever, once again, good strategy.

Not good for the country, but some of his factions are convinced that organized Government is the real enemy and he is making them happy.

If you want to achieve better border security not so much.

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