Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Not A Crisis

Whatever is happening our Southern Border, it simply isn't a crisis.

At least not in the traditional use of that term.

Nothing has happened that would have changed the situation in any dramatic way and having asylum seekers applying for asylum is not a crisis.

I suspect we will hear a lot of exaggerated claims about terrorists and gangs coming across the border, evidence of which is lacking and still not a crisis.

Even if you consider the situation on the border bad for America it simply doesn't meet the definition of a crisis, although admittedly that term is often misused.

Generally to be a crisis the event should be sudden and significant.  The Southern Border situation is certainly not sudden, and whether it is significant or not may be debatable.

Nothing sudden about what is going on and there is very little evidence that what is going on there is actually negative.

People entering the country without proper documentation can be defined as negative, but if their actions after arriving here is to contribute to the economy in a positive way, it might not be a long term negative.

One of the things that I expect to see tonight is examples of undocumented immigrants who did bad things.

I would argue that you could find at least as many examples of them doing good things.

They are after all just people, not really any different than any group of people.

Just not a crisis.

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