Monday, January 14, 2019

No Money for the Wall

Its pretty clear that when the dontard talks about negotiating with him he means you have to give him what he wants.

The spending bills that were previously passed by the Senate and which have now been passed by the House are bipartisan and include money for border security, just not a wall.

Only one of the spending bills even has anything to do with the wall.

His idea of negotiations was on display the last time the two sides met (last Wednesday) when he asked Nancy Pelosi if she would approve the money for the wall, she said no, he walked out.

The House has approved all the spending bills needed but the Senate now refuses to bring them up.

Clearly they would pass which would force the dontard to sign or veto.

He went from being proud to shutting down the Government to trying to shift the blame.

The House has passed the bills the Senate needs to bring them to the floor and if they pass he need to sign them.

They contain negotiated amounts which everyone (well the great majority) agreed to, but Homeland Security doesn't include a wall.

In his idiocy he thinks what the wall is made of makes any difference.  Its the cost of the wall which was never supposed to be paid by American taxpayers in the first place.

In terms of our Government, the amount isn't much percentage wise, but it is only a down payment.

The total cost is probably over $50bilion if funded to completion.

Money that we don't actually have thanks to the record deficits under this administration.

There is no money for this wall.

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