Well they are having CPAC in Orlando which is probably appropriate since they have virtual reality rides there.
Years ago CPAC was a meeting of Conservatives, not just Republicans. Not all Republicans were conservative and not all Conservative were Republican. Now people use the terms almost interchangeably.
A term which in todays world is a bit of an oxymoron was the intellectual Conservatives who espoused theory and principle about how Conservatism was the answer. You had intellectuals like William Buckley who were actually able to make a rational argument about the benefits of conservatism.
Now the keynote is going to be Donald Trump who is unable to do the basic math of the last election.
Its turned into a bit of a Trump rally and how many of those supporters are actually conservative.
At one time it stood for fiscal responsibility, conservatism and individual freedom.
Now its about ignoring the constitution, opposing abortion and promoting gun culture.