Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Lies, Lies, Lies

 Its sort of easy to understand why many Americans can be led to believe lies.  They are lied to constantly.  A lot of the lying is done by people who promote not lying as a central creed, religion.  Without getting into specifics much of what they teach is based on sources that are not close to what they pretend they are.  Many churches simply exist to get you to donate or tithe with the promise of future benefit. (you don't need organized religion to follow the scriptures) 

Ignoring Religion companies lie to you as much as they can to get your to buy their product.  Not really very different from what the organized churches do.  We do place some limits on this but not many.  

Of course there is the day to day lying we run into but we have to talk about politicians and lying.  Once again they have to sell themselves and we have moved into total new areas as we have expanded media to have whole networks lying in support of certain politicians.

We seem to accept politicians lying and accuse both sides of doing it, as if that would make it right.  We seem unable to distinguish normal slips of the tongue from bold faced lies that ae threats to our country.

Recently we saw a lie that the last presidential election was stolen.  It wasn't and no one who looked into it could conclude that.  Yet the lie persisted and is still out there, despite clear evidence it isn't true, its a lie.  In fact we see that after the election Trumps own pollsters showed him how and why he lost.

We have to be more rational.  No one is coming to take your guns away unless you use them to commit a felony.  Immigrants are not coming here to live off our wonderful social programs, they are trying to improve their lives like all the immigrants before them.

There are other big lies that are designed to trick you.  Don't fall for them.

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