Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Do Nothings

 Republicans oppose raising the minimum wage because they will reduce jobs.  Of course there is no evidence that this really happens statistically so they resort to individual affidavits.

Some business owners, not wanting to pay a fair wage will sign statements about how they won't be able to employ as many people if the wage increases.  They will also state how their customers can't afford to pay more for their product.

Statistics don't bear that out but it could be true for some areas and businesses.  Probably not but could be.

What of course is left unsaid is that the people earning the higher wage will have more money to spend, maybe on these very products.

Americans who work should be able to afford to live in this country.  Creeping up from $7 to $15 gradually is long overdue.  

I could envision certain exceptions for certain people in certain businesses, but that is something that would be worked out.

Its called legislation but since the Republicans are refusing to participate its probably not happening like that.

Is their slogan, vote Republican, we promise to do nothing for Workers!

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