Sunday, February 7, 2021

Why Believe Lies?

 I suppose the Social Scientists will have to answer this question but the difference between the lies being believed and factual evidence is blatant.

All of the accusations being made were groundless and I suppose you could believe against all common sense that there is a cabal of white slaving, pedophiles, controlling things and working closely with the Chinese.  Its just not true.

So to believe that you have to ignore all the factual information.  Maybe we have reached a stage in this country where reality has been supplanted by fantasy?

While we should maintain free speech, it is over all the solution, content providers need to be held to higher standards.  If you are reporting things that are clearly false or imaginary, you need to add a warning.  Its not enough to let insane people say insane thins unlabeled.

I'm not a big fan of lawsuits but it does seem like when Dominion and Smartmatic decided to sue we saw the far right media get religion.  

I'm also not a big fan of whatever cancel culture is, but if some lunatic is promoting attacks on our constitution using money from a product he/she sells, don't buy it.  

Just cancel their income, its actually part of free speech.

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