Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Climate IS an Emergency

 Not every weather event is caused by climate change although ever one of them is influenced by it.

As we increase the amount of carbon in the atmosphere we retain more solar energy. That energy translate generally into heat but it manifests itself in other ways.

So we always had things like hurricanes and tornadoes and we still do.  The causes are generally the same and the results similar.

No one of them is caused by climate change but every one of them has more energy to draw upon which is likely to increase their power.

What the real impact of climate change will be is rising sea levels which has the potential to be truly catastophic.

We are seeing an administration that trusts the science and is starting to take positive steps.

Some say it might be too late, but since the issue is ongoing, we might not be able to avoid all impacts, we can't give up.

If we do we are inviting massive disruption.  

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