Thursday, February 18, 2021

Trivial and Trivia

 When you listen to talk radio or watch talking heads on TV you do it to be entertained or maybe just to pass some time.  They the entertainers do it to make money.  They make money by having more listeners and to get listeners they find a formula that works, or else they disappear.

One of our popular formats in radio and now on some Cable networks is to be outraged by some actions committed by the enemy of their choice.  In the scheme of things there are plenty of opportunities to provide fodder for your show and sometimes the other outlets pick one for you.

You can pick and choose and provide as much slant as you need to.  No one is generally fact checking you and when you enter the realm of the unknown all holds are off.

Take any one of the Clinton scandels that lined many pockets with cash exploiting it.  The fact that Bill was promiscuous was sort of a know secret and when he actually got caught, so to speak, lying about an encounter in the oval office, all restraint was off.  

Then his wife was secretary of State during Benghazi.  This disaster was at least in some part attributable to her although clearly she didn't want it to happen.  Over the course of our history there have been many worse attacks but this rose to the level of pearl harbor in some accounts.

One of those exploiters has now passed away and I guess some will miss him.  Oddly he had many personal flaws which were more fodder for his broadcast.

Some will miss him but I actually don't care one way or the other.  Surely his place will be filled and the nonsense will continue.  

He will fade into a bit of trivia.

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