Thursday, February 11, 2021

True Believers

 Despite the horrifying footage and Trump's clear involvement, there will not be enough votes to convict in the Senate, not because they don't think he di it but because the politics don't support it.

Still, for anyone who was thinking this was not as bad as portrayed, it was probably worse.

I don't know what percentage of his supporters would do something like this but a tiny percentage of a large number is still a lot of people.

I don't want to over characterize these people but most of them spend an excess of time on the internet, 

Its not hard to find these groups and if you go on one of their sites and disagree, you will see the vitriol.  Of course engaging with them is not a winning proposition, they tend to repeat certain catch phrases which even if disproven they believe.

Its essentially a cult which is effectively a religion where your beliefs are driven by faith and not logic.

The underlying people who benefit are either true believers or scam artists.  Its very hard to tell the difference.

Some will have their faith shaken by these events, others will hang on.

The followers are still out there for the next time.

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