Friday, February 19, 2021

Cant Deliver Honor Or Honesty so Cancun.

 When you privatize a utility like the power grid it gets a little cheaper.  This isn't some magical process.  They cut costs by cutting things they don't expect to need.

As we;ve seen some of those thngs include back up capacity being on the national grid and emeggency preparedness.

Both the Government and private industry do risk analysis to determine how much to spend on what.  Government is worried about consequences of failure while private industry is worried about profit.  

If something is low risk, ant this cold wave was low risk until it happened, you don't spend funds on it.  It cuts into profits.  You really can't fault them, you should have known that when you awarded them the contract.  Of course they will point the finger at the culprits.  The culprit were the extreme cold and profit motivation.

Its hard to fault them for not being prepared the first time something happens.  It was devastating to many people and a number died.  They are looking to blame someone else and in Texas, environmentalists and renewable energy are easy targets.

I would say follow the money.  Privatizing the grid created profits and with profits comes temptation.  Someone made out like a bandit.

Take a look at anyone fleeing to Mexico.

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