Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Have They Read the Entrails?

 There seems to be a strategy nowadays to claim something happened, such as massive voter fraud, but presenting no evidence.  The evidence is clear and convincing and will be released at the right time.

Of course there is no right time because the evidence doesn't exist, at least not real evidence.

Take some allegations that Antifa was actually the ones behind the Capitol attack.  There was no legitimate evidence and what was presented in one of our talk fiascos shows were pictures on an Antifa site of know Fascists.  That would be like claiming the most wanted people were actually FBI agents because they are displayed on FBI websites.

Unfortunately you need to be careful about who you trust.  Moat of the cable news people are not actually reporters of fact.  They often tie together wistful wishes into full blown theories.  Its essentially fiction novellas with all imaginary facts pointing to the same outcome.

The ancients used to look at the insides of certain animals to foretell the future.

Think it was more dependable than a FOX.

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