Monday, February 15, 2021

Washington's Birthday/President's Day

 Over the years we tend to change things to accommodate various factions.  This is now called President's day by most but the holiday was originally designed to celebrate George Washington, the "father" of our country.

He beat the British with the help of the French and gave us an independent country.  I remember an analysis that pointed out he lost more battles than he won, not sure that is true or if it matters, because he persevered and got the victories he needed.

He was greatly admired in his time and I think that might be the most important thing.

Some looking back want to attack him for owning slaves.  Owning slaves is wrong but it was a common practice.  You might not be able to forgive or forget but he wasn't evil for his time.

Are heroic deeds negated because of an individuals moral failings?  

The deeds are done regardless.  I don't see any problem with pointing out people failings in the past but its not like that really matters.

Washington held his army and the country together and allowed for what it became.  He was a man of his times and not a saint.

If you love this country even if you don't like some things in it, he should be celebrated.

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