Saturday, February 6, 2021


Bipartisan support  ultimately means that the two sies share common goals.  For example during World War 2 everyone agreed that we need to defeat the Japanese and Germany.  There may have been some differences in tactics but the ultimate goal was the same.

Unfortunately I think the parties have a fundamental difference nowadays.  Take the Pandemic.  During the last Administration it was not considered a grave threat, called a hoax, something that would just disappear and a ploy to make them look bad.  Some of those beliefs persist and if you don't accept the need to eliminate it you will not be part of a bipartisan effort.

Similarly, on our basic Democracy you either believe that all Americans are entitled to vote and should be allowed to in a fairly easy manner.  However one party is sure that this is bad for them so they want to restrict certain voters so they can continue to get elected.  They have raised election fraud and illegal voters when none of that happens significantly.  It is hard to be bipartisan when one side favors Democracy and the other doesn't.

We can never have a bipartisan policy on Abortion but we could have one on the right of every individual to be in control of their own body.  Or maybe not.

Americans are more in agreement than not, but there is a lot of lying and disinformation attempting to muddy the waters.  Those attempting to preserve their privileges resist real change.  

The system has worked for them if not everybody.  Why be fair?

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