Wednesday, February 17, 2021


 When you run for office as a member of a political party you are expected to pursue their platform policies.  Of course if you win you represent all the people in your district and to a certain extent you have made promises of integrity and commitment to the Constitution of both your State and the United States.

Watching the positions being taken by various State Republican parties, censuring elected members for voting their conscience is confusing..

First, I doubt the party platform includes a directive to ignore the facts in a criminal prosecution and vote the party line.  If it does it is reprehensible.

Those people censuring people who voted their conscience should be censured for being un-American.

You can disagree with how someone votes in a trial I certainly didn't agree the the OJ verdict as an example, but I never thought the jurors did anything wrong.  

Since the former President may very well be found guilty in various criminal and civil proceedings I'm not sure what these censures indicate?

He isn't running for office now, he isn't in office now and he clearly spent a lot of time lying to the American people about the election results.

A majority of Senators and Congressman and I think the public believes he incited an insurrection against the Government of the United States of America.

If you think he didn't you are clearly in the minority.

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