Friday, February 5, 2021

Political Parties

 Well our Qanon congresswoman from Georgia had been striped of her committees.  Shamefully the Republican conference was unable to do this so it required a vote of the entire house.

The news is filled with descriptions of how the Republican party is in disarray after its shift to Trump and where that leaves them without him.  For a while at least he still influences the white nationalists and that is enough to make him dangerous in primaries, especially in "safe" Republican districts.  

If this doesn't represent the views of the majority of Republicans the party will likely continue to shrink and a replacement party will emerge.  I predict we may see a schism where traditional Republican exert themselves and either take back the primaries or run as third arty candidates.  

In democracies this won't be the first time and if you look at the history of our country you can see switches in policy between the current parties.  At one time Republicans were the party that supported the end of slavery and led reconstruction.  Democrats were the party of Southern Whites until the Republicans convinced them that Democrats were two liberal for them.

Now we may see that as education levels and racism recede in those states, maybe the Democrats are just the right degree of liberal.

People change and parties will follow, or disappear.

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