Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Flat Earth and Other Fantasies

 The problem with America today isn't that we don't disagree on what we want as much as we can't agree on basic facts.

I myself wouldn't want a bunch of Communist pedophiles running the Government.  I also am not in favor of violent racist Nazis either.  

The fact that we have characterized people in those ways is problematic.

We do have a lot of racism in this country but most people have managed to keep it from being so blatant.

We also have some pedophiles, but they also keep it hidden.  I doubt they belong to any particular political party and I'm also not sure they are also white slavers.

I like to think that neither party considers either of these people as "good" people but recently the Republicans are making me wonder.

I mean Democrats want you to wear a mask and pass Universal health care while Republicans are convince there is a conspiracy that somehow stole the election.

More than half of them believe that, apparently, per the polls.

Are the polls trustworthy?  Well is anything?  We don't seem to trust any media anymore except the ones that agree with us.

We live in a world where people think the Moon landing was staged, Student killings were staged, and other things are in question.

When you can't agree on basic facts or occurrences, what can you agree on? Is the world really flat?

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