Monday, February 22, 2021

Press is Bored

The pundits have decided that certain things are likely to happen and are looking for indicators that they were right.  

They probably weren't but because of these expectations they will pursue the themes.

 Since Trump was such a large media presence he is at the heart of some of these predictions.

For example the civil war in the Republican party.  Is it real?  What will be the impact.?

Similarly, with Trump defeated the alliance in the Democratic party between moderates and progressives will fall apart.  

Meanwhile we see policies designed to help America and Americans without internal civil wars.  Yes, some representatives oppose certain parts of the proposed legislation but that's the nature of politics and compromise.

What I find interesting is that after a period with Trump we see the media convinced that Biden cna't handle multiple issues at once.

He can and he is.

After one month we don't have the constant turmoil we had with the last guy.

The Press misses that.

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