Thursday, February 4, 2021

Digging up Dirt?

 There are times in everybody's life when they have dug themselves into a hole they can't get out of, at least metaphorically.  The best  thing to do is to admit your mistakes, apologize and hopefully move on.  The other alternative is to keep digging.

Clearly our Republican friends have decided to do the later.

There was no massive election fraud, there was no reason to support the coup or try to overturn the electoral college and end up inciting a riot that attacked the Capitol leading to some deaths.  They could admit these things and work to help the country heal from the pandemic, which many of them also lied about.  

It looked for a brief minute they might do the right thing but then I guess they found some more shovels.

So they dig deeper looking for a way out.

I can't imagine they will find one.

Unfortunately many of them are in "safe" districts although you have to wonder if they are pushing the limits on that.

Its only two years until there will be a reckoning and the American people aren't that forgetful?

Are we?

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