Sunday, February 21, 2021

Cancel Culture or Choice?

 You hear people, mostly "conservatives" complaining about cancel culture.  That this is, according to them is the act of finding onw actin or maybe more, and ignoring the rest of a persons accomplishments.

For example if a founding father or other notable from the past owned slaves or slaughtered Native Americans, we shouldn't use that as a reason to tarnish their other deeds.

Of course the question becomes on that is measured very subjectively.  Should we honor Christopher Columbus who did lead a voyage of discovery (for profit) and ended up treating the natives despicably?

We certainly ignored the second part of most of the past but should we keep ignoring it and honoring him now.  Why not acknowledge both?

The argument about honoring past heroes and villains aside, what about people alive today?

Should one horrific action or remark result in a person being blacklisted?  Some people point to this as McCarthyism  and condemn it.  Of course the crusade of anti-communism went too far, similar to the witch hunts, but had it been more legitimate was it bad?

Wouldn't we want to root out foreign agents infiltrating our society and Government agencies?

What about people who express unpopular views?  For those that promoted the lies about voter fraud in the last election, should they be held accountable?  

Its actually pretty simple.  If you want me to buy a pillow, don't go around being incendiary about a big lie.  If you don't realize its a lie well that makes me question your intelligence.  If you are doing it to curry favor with a particular group, well that's your right but I have the right to ignore your product.  If your product is you as an entertainer good luck with that.

It not cancelling, it personal choice.

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