Monday, September 19, 2016

Chronic Conditions

People are pretty adaptable.  Conditions that start off as unbearable somehow become tolerable as they continue.  We adjust to the environment and while the objective measure of pain, irritation or annoyance may be the same our reaction to it tends to mitigate it over time.

I recently went to a facility near a processing plant of some type where there was this horrific smell permeating the air in the early morning.  I had to sign in at security and mentioned it and they told me what it was and that it happened once a week, but they hardly noticed it anymore.

This is the sort of adjustment we all do to things like that since they don't go away.

Its a normal human response and a survival techniques allowing us to continue to function under adverse conditions.

We are seeing a bit of this in the reaction to the republican nominee.

The outrageous and clearly untruthful positions he has espoused can fill pages.  He calls anyone who disagrees with him a name.  He claims he knows more about things than experts do, when really its pretty obvious he knows very little.  He slanders nations and nationalities, admires dictators, supports torture, insults our allies and lies about things that are public knowledge.

But over time this becomes part of the background noise that we learn to ignore.

Of course in this case, accepting this behavior as normal is dangerous.

To be honest, there is no way to know his real views.  They change based on who he is talking to and he reassures some of his supporters with a bit of a wink and a nod.

No one should be reassured, he has no real substance.  His whole adult life has been dominated by his desire to be a public figure.  Oddly, it is pretty obvious that he doesn't actually share his own supporters positions on things.  He is a creation of the media and twitter with a little reality TV thrown in.  How much is an act and how much is real is impossible to tell.

His main campaign theme is "its going to be great, trust him".

Well, there you go!

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