Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Where's the coordination

Another unarmed black man got shot yesterday by police who said he assumed a "shooting stance".

Now in this case his sister called the police to get her maentally disturbed brother some help.  Not sure how you define help, but her call was unsuccessful in my opinion.

Now, a lot of details still need to come out, but they responded, approached the disturbed individual at which point he took something (not a gun) from his pocket and pointed it.   Now this could be perceived as a threat and one cop fired a taser while another one fired five bullets.

The effectiveness of the taser can't be determined but the bullets did work.

Now, at the moment of confrontation, split second reactions are hard to control, especially if the very sight of a young black man is terrifying to you.

However, and maybe I'm spoiled by television, where was the plan and coordination?

You respond to a call about a mentally challenged individual acting erratically and decide to provoke a confrontation?

Where is the negotiator or the person with the bullhorn trying to talk him down?

Yes guess it would take some time and cost some money, but isn't a persons life worth something?

I'm waiting for the justified shooting report.

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