Friday, September 30, 2016

Humanitarian Assistance

America is a very rich country.

In the past most of our representatives, from both parties, accepted that gives us a responsibility to help areas ravaged by war or natural disasters.  We also provide foreign aid to undeveloped countries to help them improve their condition.

Now that have been many motivations for this sort of aid including preventing the spread of communism but most Americans and their representatives understood we had something of an obligation to share with those less fortunate.

There are some legitimate concerns about whether this is actually a function of Government but nevertheless it has been generally supported on a bipartisan level.

Recently, for political reasons, some people are trying to get us to deny aid to people clearly in need of it.  Among other things they argue we can't afford it or we should help our own people instead.

Now, without going into the detail of what we do for our veterans, homeless and disaster victims, the help we provide to the world really doesn't impact it.

There has always been a vein of selfishness in the country, but it seems to be rising to the surface.  The amount of money involve in these type of efforts is not enough to make much difference in taxes or the national debt.

It is in fact a bit shameful and sad that this desperate people are being used for political purposes.

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