Sunday, September 4, 2016

Random Thoughts

I guess if Trump was to win we would declare bankruptcy, thats a tried and true tactic of his.

Everyone is already tired of this election and we have two months to go,

It seems like Hillary is running against the symbol of the Democratic Party this year.

Everyone seems to suspect Hillary of wrongdoing, but they can't actually say what it is because she is so good at covering up.  If she was we wouldn't even suspect her.

The same people who say the Government is totally incompetant also think it secretly runs everything in our lives.  Scary thought that.

If your life sucks you may want to consider what you can do about it instead of just complaining.

All of the racists who support Trump think he is being phoney in his outreach to minorities just to get elected but is perfectly straight with them.

I don't think Trump is a racist, he is really a Trumpist, since everyone not Trump is inferior.

Clearly Hillary has to work on her people skills, since so many think she is good at people kills.

It amazes me that the e-mail issue is still even an issue.  No clasified information was compromised and it was a couple of years ago.  Indicates how few real issues there are.

Most people have never dealt with classified information and if those documents were actually properly classified they were not marked correctly.  That fault lies with the sender.

The Clinton Foundation does charitable work worldwide and has foreign donors.  Not sure why thats an issue.

Trump has a doctor who says he would be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency and lawyers who tell him not to release his tax returns until the audits are completed.  Really?

Got to thank Billy West for these, they are maybe the best thing in the election.

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